Sunday 12 October 2014

To fringe or not to fringe?

Dammit. It seems my eyebrows are reaching the point where they've had enough. They're still there at the minute, but getting patchy.

I am going to buy all the magic stuff, and watch video tutorials, and practise, practise, practise doing eyebrows. At first it'll be filling in the patches, but I guess soon enough it will be faking them entirely. (Excuse me one moment while I go and scream some profanities about chemo................) 

For the record, same goes for eyelashes. Mine are still clinging on just now but I know it's only a matter of time before I wake up one morning and find them all scattered across my face. And yes, I will make a wish on each one of them, and yes, every wish will be for my eyelashes and eyebrows to grow back immediately. No wait, I will wish for my cancer to piss off and never return - yeah, that's obviously a better use of wishes.

Anyway. I'm lazy, and I'm about as far from "make-up artist" as a girl can get. So I'm considering getting a big fat fringe to cover my forehead and the spaces where my eyebrows should be, for days when I can't be arsed to create my own. (And days where I attempt to create my own and end up looking like I have two slugs crawling across my face).

When I was a kid, I absolutely rocked a fringe, if I do say myself. Look!


Looks bloody ace, right?!

However, I also had a fringe for a time while I was a teenager. Not so good. Fortunately, having searched through boxes of old photos, there are only a few of me as a teenager with a fringe in existence. Those that I did find I'm in fancy dress so look even more uncool, but as I have no pride or dignity left, and in the interest of making my point, I will share a couple with you:


Anyway, point is, if I get a fringe, it will need to be of the big, thick, no turning back variety. Like what I had as a kid, as opposed to the thin stringy mess of my teenage years. The good news is, unlike when I was a teenager, I won't have to (be able to!) grow the fringe out and go through this phase:

Phew. But getting a fringe cut is going to be risky. If it looks shit, I will have ruined a wig which I spent a small fortune on.

So I have tried experimenting with some hair grips and my wig, to get an idea of what a fringe might look like on me now. (Excuse the face I'm pulling in the first photo haha!)

What do you think? Shall I get a fringe cut in to the wig or not? Honest opinions please.


  1. Sarah, I am loving your blog. I had chemo last year and you take me back to all the things I used to laugh about!
    You wig will look great with a fringe for sure xx

  2. Ah thank you! My friends on Facebook have almost unanimously voted in favour of a fringe.... I think I might do it!
    I hope you're well now? Chemo is shit!
